How to configure Failover IP (of OVH or on your XPENOLOGY - Synology System

How to configure Failover IP (of OVH or on your XPENOLOGY - Synology System

These systems tent to give you an Public IP in the range of (for example) 212.x.x.x BUT want you to givein an Gateway of 66.x.x.x

The standard Synology DSM interface does not alow this

Login with root (has same password as admin account) on your Synology NAS (based on XPENOLOGY)

cd /etc/

vi rc.local

<Press insert button to go to insert/modify mode)

ip route delete default
ip route add <gateway IP> dev eth0
ip route add default via <gateway IP> dev eth0
<Press Escape to exit insert/modify mode)


You can use these generic commands to check your Routing Table

ip route
route -e