run this powershell script on the file server which houses the Profile Directories.
$ROOTDIR = "<Relative path to Profiles DIR>"
$item = ( gci $ROOTDIR)
foreach ( $USERDIR in $it
em ) { gci "$ROOTDIR\$USER DIR\downloads" -file -recurse | remove-item }
First we need to create and ARRAY (=variable with multiple items, this we do by filling $item which the content of gci (get-chil
ditem) = all of the directories under D:\Profiles)What this script does is.. for EACH Directory in ITEM (Item is D:\Profiles\<username>) do a GCI (= alias for Get-ChildItem) for $ROOTDIR\USER
DIR$\Downloads (=same as <Relative Profile Path> <Username>\Downloads) and -file (show all files) and loop through all subfolders of DIR$\Downloads (-recurse).. and remove all files you find (remove-item).Lots of thanks for this to a scripting Buddy of mine.
A different and maybe simpler one lines to get the same results is
gci <Full Path to Profiles DIR>\*\downloads -recurse | Select-Object FullName -ExpandProperty Fullname | Remove-Item -recurse -Confirm:$False
Alternatively you could add something in between to select files of a certain "Last Access" or/and "Last Write" time with
where-object { $_.LastAccessTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) }
When you combine the two it would look something like
gci <Full Path to Profiles DIR>\*\downloads -recurse | where-object { $_.LastAccessTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14) } | Select-Object FullName -ExpandProperty Fullname | Remove-Item -recurse -Confirm:$False